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Master Data Management
Master Data is a primary reference data which defines the business dimensions and a key IT asset of a company. Master data in a typical ERP system will have a minimum Customer Master, Supplier Master, Product Master, Item Master, and an Account Master.
Creating and maintaining a complete and accurate Master data has become imperative for businesses for reasons like Mergers & Acquisitions and Regulatory compliance. A Harmonized and Rational Master Data is critical for companies to optimize various business processes like Inventory management, Procurement, Marketing and Customer relationship management preventing surplus Inventory, Fraud and enhancing customer satisfaction .
Master data is most appropriate for use in reporting applications like Analytical tools to present the most accurate picture of the company process which aids in strategic management decision making. -
Material Master Data Management helps optimize inventory, avoids duplicate materials purchase and thus helps reduce Inventory carrying cost. It also opens up doors for value engineering as replacement materials from within the master data are identified based on attribute values rather than application. Material Master helps generate unique material codes, maintain stock, Sourcing initiatives and monitoring consumption thereby improving efficiency and contribute to bottom line savings.
Master Data is a primary reference data which defines the business dimensions and a key IT asset of a company. Master data in a typical ERP system will have a minimum Customer Master, Supplier Master, Product Master, Item Master, and an Account Master. Creating and maintaining a complete and accurate Master data has become imperative for businesses for reasons like Mergers & Acquisitions and Regulatory compliance. A Harmonized and Rational Master Data is critical for companies to optimize various business processes like Inventory management, Procurement, Marketing and Customer relationship management preventing surplus Inventory, Fraud and enhancing customer satisfaction. Master data is most appropriate for use in reporting applications like Analytical tools to present the most accurate picture of the company process which aids in strategic management decision making.
Material Master Data Management helps optimize inventory, avoids duplicate materials purchase and thus helps reduce Inventory carrying cost. It also opens up doors for value engineering as replacement materials from within the master data are identified based on attribute values rather than application. Material Master helps generate unique material codes, maintain stock, Sourcing initiatives and monitoring consumption thereby improving efficiency and contribute to bottom line savings.
Pcura Master Data solutions offer services in the following: Material Master Data Management: Rationalize your Material Master and optimize materials Costs Material Master Data is a repository of data of materials that a business buys, manufactures and stocks. The descriptions used for Master Data are required to be harmonized to enable easy search and eliminating the chances of having duplicate materials and redundant data. Also, de-duplicated materials can be assigned unique part number codification system. Harmonized data can be used interchangeably by all departments and applications for Accounting, Analysis, Planning, Engineering and Purchase. To achieve harmonization, the following services are offered by Pcura:
• Attribute extraction .
• Data enrichment .
• Harmonized description generation .
• Part number codification .